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2. How to use the KOTOLE

(1) The kinds of KOTOLE

It is composed of three types of sound sources for one music.


Part1 is a melody part.

Part2 is an accompaniment part.

And the last one is an ensemble of both parts.

Depends on the music, there are two kinds of ensemble sound sources "slow" and "normal".

One is played with the slow speed and another is the normal speed.

1 kinds

(2) How to use the KOTOLE

STEP1  Play together with the sound source of a part you want.

             =You should learn melody and a flow of the music.

STEP2  Play together with the sound source of an ensemble.

            =You should be conscious of another part while playing.

STEP3  Play together with the sound source of another part.

            =Let's practice "2"…"3" again and again until you become able to play it alone.


‘Additional Explanation’

In the case there are two sources of "slow" and "normal", please use "slow" first.

And then, use "normal" next.

We hope you enjoy an ensemble while practicing.

2 use

(3) Movies

KOTOLE has the movies of the melody part and the accompaniment part.


The movie was taken from the front so that it became a same viewpoint as time when a student looks at a teacher in the lesson.

We recommend you to watch and imitate the teacher's movement carefully.

It is not a good way to look at only your own hand.

This is because, when you play the Koto, it is very important not only to make correct sound but also to play it with good posture.

It is also a good way to practice in front of a mirror for the purpose of checking your own posture.


3 movies

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